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Dooars Tech Solutions



Frequent Asked Questions

Our Plans are Designed for Specific use cases. If you have only Limited content & not much updation or Content needed in website we Recommend Basic Package. If you want your website to be content rich & if your business gets more content regularly like new projects, new testimonials etc., we recommend Standard Package. If you plan to go for Paid Advertising in Facebook or Google, now or Later we Recommend Premium package.
Please check our Add-on Package for that particular feature.
First we will gather Basic Info to setup your Package & after your Successful Payment, we will present you with a set of templates designed by us which are tested for conversions. You need to select a template & we will modify it to make it unique for your business. Then we will provide the back-end login to update your website with Data & Our Staff will walk through the process to update the required data in website.
We may offer one, Contact +91-731-931-0500 for details on Current Promotions if any.
100% Yes! We don’t just build your the website for you. We do much more than building the website. Our main goal is to help you succeed online. We offer many online marketing packages including, Ready Made Social Media Posts, Paid Advertising Solutions & Social Media Management.
As mentioned in the packages, Starter plan takes 15 working day to deliver, Premium plan takes 20 working days & finally 30 working days for Elite plan.
It Depends for how many years you have activated your Domain and Hosting Server.
Yes. We do have Upgrade and Many more Features to Boost your Business Online.
Yes. we do have tons of Digital Products, like Themes, Plugins, eBooks, Courses, Bundles and other Consulting Services.
You you get direct, download link or we send you download link to your Email.

Brands we’ve collaborated with team.


Our purpose is to build solutions that remove barriers preventing people from doing their best work.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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